Dr. med. Ēriks Elksnis
Dr. med. Ēriks Elksnis
01.12.2021. aizstāvēta doktora disertācija medicīnas zinātnē par tēmu “Asaru plēvītes osmolaritāte pēc kataraktas operācijas”.
2016. – 2019. g. Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte, doktorantūra.
2013. – 2017. g. P.Stradiņa KUS, rezidents-oftalmologs.
2006. – 2013.g. Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte, medicīnas fakultāte.
Darba pieredze:
Kopš 2021. Gada decembra Latvijas Acu ārstu asociācijas valdes loceklis. Latvijas Acu ārstu asociācijas valdes priekšsēdētāja vietnieks.
Kopš 2021. gada marta acu ārsts Vidzemes slimnīcā.
Kopš 2017. gada 1. oktobra acu ārsts PSKUS Acu mikroķiruŗgijas nodaļā.
Kopš 2016. gada stundu pasniedzējs RSU Oftalmoloģijas katedrā.
Elksnis, Ē., Lāce, I., Erts, R., Laganovska, G. Tear osmolarity after cataract surgery. Journal of Current Ophthalmology. March 2019, Volume 31, Issue 1. 31–35.
Elksnis, Ē., Vanags, J., Elksne, E., Gertners, O., Laganovska, G. Isolated posterior capsule rupture after blunt eye injury. Clin Case Rep. 2021, Volume 00. 1–4.
Elksnis, Ē., Laganovska, G., Erts, R. Tear osmolarity during first postoperative month after cataract surgery. Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences. 2021. Volume 75. 350 – 356.
Zinātniskā darbība:
Structure of the hospitalized eye injury patients of Pauls Stradins Clinical university hospital in 2014. 2.-3. May. 2014. 3rd Baltic Eye Surgeons Talk Show BEST vol. 3 Ocular trauma summit.
Correlation between visual field functional and optic nerve disk structural damage of glaucoma patients. 25.-28. September. 2014. 112th DOG Congress.
Retinal thickness changes at different occurrences of posterior vitreous detachment using intravitreal injection. 6.-8. May. 2015. 3rd International Health Sciences Conference.
Correlation between functional and optic nerve disc structural damage of glaucoma patients. 6.-9. June. SOE 2015 Congress.
Irvine-Gass syndrome: cystoid macular edema reaction to first time anti-VEGF therapy. 5.-9. September. 2015. XXXIII Congress of the ESCRS.
Dislocated IOL replacement with iris clips lens. 19-21. August. 2016. Ophthlamologicum Balticum forum XV.
Results of canaloplasty in Latvia. 19-21. August. 2016. Ophthlamologicum Balticum forum XV.
Refraction after cataract surgery depending on intraocular lens calculation formula. 10-14. September. 2016. ESCRS XXXIV.
Tear osmolarity before and after cataract surgery. 29. September - 02. October. 2016. DOG 2016.
Tear osmolarity before and after cataract surgery. 10-12. February. 2017. ESCRS XXI winter meeting.
Tear osmolarity changes after eye surgery. 29. April. 2017. Baltic Eye Surgeons Talk Show (BEST vol.5).
Tear osmolarity of students with contact lenses. 10 - 13. June. 2017. SOE 2017.
The correlation between tear osmolarity, reflex tear flow and subjective symptoms of the dry eye disease in early postoperative period after cataract surgery. 10 - 13. June. 2017. SOE 2017.
Tear osmolarity changes of open angle glaucoma patients after cataract surgery. 28. June – 1. July. 2017. VII World Glaucoma Congress.
Antihypertensive therapy effect on tear osmolarity during early postoperative period after cataract surgery. 7 – 11. October. 2017. ESCRS XXXV.
Tear osmolarity of Glaucoma Patients after cataract surgery. 16 – 19. June. 2018. WOC 2018.
Management of intraocular foreign body. 24 - 26. August. 2018. BEST vol 6.
Peripapillary choroidal neovascularisation a clinical case. 13 – 16. June. 2019. SOE 2019.
Ocular complications in Steven-Johnson syndrome - emergency case. 26 – 29. June. 2020. WOC 2020.
Subliminal cyclophotocoagulation in neovascular glaucoma. 30 June – 3 July. 2021. WGC 2021.
Penetrating keratoplasty challenging cases. 20. May 2022. BEST vol. 8.
Penetrating keratoplasty challenging cases. 09 – 12. September. 2022. WOC 2022.
Valodas prasmes:
Latviešu – dzimtā
Angļu – brīvi
Krievu – brīvi
Vācu – pamatzināšanu līmenī